
Welcome to the LD@School online learning module for educators. This learning module has been created to provide course materials in a logical, sequential order, guiding you through the content and assessments in the order specified. You are required to complete content before they are allowed to proceed to the next content. This online learning module takes 45 - 60 minutes to complete. The module is unable to keep track of your progress, so it must be completed in one sitting.

Each learning module provides:

  • additional information about the given topic;
  • learning activities to help apply the topic to practice and test your knowledge;
  • reflective questions that can be answered on your own and explored and discussed with colleagues, mentors, or coaches;
  • resources on related topics covered in the learning module; and
  • a confidential summary report of your quiz results and other findings.

Learning goals

Upon beginning the learning module, you will be asked to complete a short, multiple-choice test to assess your base-line knowledge of the subject matter. You will then be prompted to move through each of the resource sections. Each resource section includes a brief reading exercise. The sections titled literacy, numeracy, executive function, and social and emotional development each include a video segment that must be watched in full before continuing on to the next section. Upon completing the resource section, you will be asked to complete a second, multiple-choice test to assess your learning.

This online module is intended to provide an introduction to literacy, numeracy, executive function, and social and emotional development as well as an introductory overview of Ministry documents such as PPM8 and Learning for All, as they relate to students with learning disabilities.

At the end of the learning module, you will find links to practical writing and reading comprehension strategies, interventions and more in-depth information.

Upon completion, it is our hope that you will use what you learn here in your everyday and working life.