Related Resources on the LD@school Website

Learning Module: Helping Students with LDs Navigate Secondary School

Student Skills

Keeping School Work on Track: Staying Organized with Graphic Organizers

Adapted Webinar: Beyond “Lazy” and “Unmotivated” – Why Educators Need to Know about Executive Skills

Learning Module: An In-Depth Look at Executive Functions

Teaching Techniques

Planning and Teaching with Explicit Instruction

Explicit Instruction: A Teaching Strategy in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics for Students with Learning Disabilities

Differentiated Instruction

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Considering the Principles of UDL, How Can Educators Actively Involve Their Students with LDs in the Learning and Assessment Process?

Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)

Assistive Technology

Learning Module: Technology for All: Supporting Students with LDs by Integrating Technology into Classroom Instruction

How do I choose between the different types of assistive technology to make sure my students have the tools they need to succeed?

Technology for Reading

Technology for Writing

Technology for Mathematics

Assessments and Assistive Technology

VIDEO: Building Reading Skills Through Assistive Technology

The Use of Assistive Technology at the Intermediate Level: Educators’ and Students’ Perceptions


QRAC-the-Code: A Strategy for Monitoring Reading Comprehension in High School Students

Reading and the Brain: Strategies for Decoding, Fluency, and Comprehension

Combining Writing and Self-Regulation Strategies: The SRSD Approach

The COPS Editing Strategy

Expressive Writing

Writing Interventions for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities 


Understanding Learning Disabilities: How Processing Affects Mathematics Learning

What are some strategies that could be used to better support students with LDs when teaching math online?

Math and the Growth Mindset

Learning Module: The Concrete-Representational-Abstract Approach for Mathematics Instruction

How can technology be used to support math instruction?

Helping Students with LDs Learn to Diagram Math Problems

LDs in Mathematics: Evidence-Based Interventions, Strategies, and Resources

Understanding Developmental Dyscalculia: A Math Learning Disability

Math Heuristics

Visual Representation in Mathematics

Verbalization in Math Problem-Solving 


All Students can Read to Learn Science!

Teaching Science to High School Students with Learning Disabilities: Rising to the Challenge


Teaching History to High School Students with LDs: Pedagogical Considerations & Strategies

Other articles of interest:

York Waterfall Chart: Understanding Learning Disabilities – How Processing Affects Learning

What are the warning signs of ADHD that teachers should look out for in their female students?

Webinar Recording: The Road Ahead – The undergraduate learning experience for students with LDs

What is the best advice that educators can pass onto parents and students who are preparing for the transition to post-secondary education?

Are Online Courses Suitable For Students with LDs?

Accessing Support for LDs in University: Student perceptions of support received from the accessibility service office

Homework Strategies for Students with LDs 

What impact will de-streaming applied and academic courses in grade 9 have on students with LDs?

Activated Learning for Students with Learning Disabilities: A Mainstream, Whole-Class, Executive Function Intervention that is Necessary for Some and Good for All

Collaboration Between Teachers in Secondary Schools

Teacher Collaboration and Achievement of Students with LDs: A Review of the Research

LDAO Chapters: Local Services for Students with LDs 


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