Related Resources on the LD@school Website

Click here to access the article Know the Facts about Reading

Click here to listen to the TalkLD podcast episode The Science of Reading Part 1: The Five Pillars

Click here to listen to the TalkLD podcast episode The Science of Reading Part 2: Developing Reading Skills

Click here to view the Webinar Recording: Evidence-based Early Literacy Practices to Support Every Learner

Click here to view the Webinar Recording: Answering your Questions about Evidence-based Early Literacy Practices

Click here to view the Webinar Recording: The Road to Reading – Strategies for Literacy Assessment and Intervention

Click here to access the article Using the “Road to Reading Infographic” to Guide Assessment of and Intervention for Foundational Literacy Skills

Click here to view the Webinar Recording: Dynamic Vocabulary Instruction in the Classroom

Click here to access the article Learning to Read: The Importance of Both Phonological and Morphological Approaches.

Click here to access the article Dyslexia: When Hidden Talents are Awakened.

Click here to access the article Reading and the Brain: Strategies for Decoding, Fluency, and Comprehension.

Click here to access the answer to the question, How do I support my students with dyslexia when assistive technology isn’t always an option that is provided by my school or school board?

Click here to access the article Reading Circles.

Click here to access the answer to the question How can assistive technology be used in the classroom to support the acquisition of reading skills by students with LDs?

Click here to access the answer to the question How can educators help parents to support reading skills acquisition and knowledge retention at home?

Click here to access the article Commercial Reading Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities: Examining the Evidence Base.

Click here to access the video The Tiered Approach.

Click here to access the article The Rising Stars Reading Program: Using Mentors to Support Struggling Readers.

Click here to access the article Direct Instruction of Reading for Elementary-aged Students.

Click here to access the article Strategies for Teaching Reading to English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities.

Click here to access the article The Balanced Literacy Diet – Putting Research into Practice in the Classroom.


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