
  • Picture of Matthew

Success Story: Mathieu

He found out in grade 2. I asked a consultant to help me with the process. I was realizing that he was aware that he was different than the other students. I didn’t know how to explain it to him without hurting his feelings or lowering his self-esteem. Following meetings with interveners, he reacted well. He finally understood that it was not his fault. It was because of his learning disability. He is aware he learns in a different manner, but that everything is possible. We created a video and presented it to the 3rd grade class (at the beginning of the school year). It was a success. We have known since he was very young and we started meeting with a speech therapist since he turned 3 years old.

By |January 8th, 2016|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Success Story: Mathieu
  • Image of a student using a computer

Success Story: Matt

A Message from Matt: I’d like to share that living with a learning disability is very hard at times, but you can’t just give up on life, you need to live up to your full potential. You need to want to help yourself before others can help you. The key to success is to want [...]

By |January 8th, 2016|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , |Comments Off on Success Story: Matt
  • Picture of Matthew

Success Story: Matthew

The process of diagnosing Matthew began while he was in Grade 4; he was so bright but he had such a hard time learning to spell and read. He demonstrated an ability to comprehend but his weak reading and spelling skills meant that despite his hard work, he never received an A. In grade 5, Matthew received his psycho-educational assessment. During the process, I was anxious and nervous about what they would discover. Once Matthew received his diagnosis, it meant that school would always be a tough place for him; no matter how hard he tried, he would be viewed as the kid who struggled. The psychologist who diagnosed Matthew with a learning disability took time to privately speak with Matthew about his findings. I believe the time taken to talk with Matthew has had a very positive effect on him.

By |January 8th, 2016|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , |Comments Off on Success Story: Matthew
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VIDEO: “Our Self-Advocacy Pamphlet Journey” created by, Mike Di Donato and his Grade Eight Students (Aiden, Denver, and Janine)

Sagonaska is a Provincial Demonstration School for students with learning disabilities (LDs), located in Belleville, Ontario. After seeing a webinar from the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) where Julia Osborne showed the self-advocacy cards she created and uses in her school board (York Region District School Board), the students in Mike Di Donato’s grade 8 class decided to create their own self-advocacy pamphlets, to assist in their transition to grade 9.

By |June 10th, 2015|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on VIDEO: “Our Self-Advocacy Pamphlet Journey” created by, Mike Di Donato and his Grade Eight Students (Aiden, Denver, and Janine)
  • TalkLD Logo

The Journey to Becoming a Self-Advocate: Three Students’ Perspectives

This podcast features three students: A.J., Ava, and Mason who discuss their journeys with self-advocacy. This podcast is part two of a previously recorded interview between Lawrence and Jenessa Dworet, a Department Head of Special Education and Student Success at a high school in the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), who shared her perspective on student self-advocacy.

By |May 14th, 2015|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Journey to Becoming a Self-Advocate: Three Students’ Perspectives
  • TalkLD Logo

Supporting Students on their Self-Advocacy Journey

This podcast features a one-on-one interview with Jenessa Dworet, a Department Head of Special Education and Student Success at a high school in the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), who shares her perspective on self-advocacy and how she encourages students she works with to become their own self-advocates.

By |April 24th, 2015|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Supporting Students on their Self-Advocacy Journey

Supporting the Development of Self-Advocacy

For young people with LDs, self-advocacy is a long-term goal - one that should drive the choices that we make as educators. Working in this way, we can offer young people the means to be proactive, take charge of their lives, persevere in the face of obstacles, and learn from their mistakes.

By |September 11th, 2014|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Supporting the Development of Self-Advocacy
  • Teacher working with a student

Explicit Instruction of Self-Advocacy Skills

Self-advocacy skills include (Durlak et al., 1994; Merchant & Gajar, 1997; Walker & Test, 2011): knowledge of academic strengths and weaknesses, an awareness of required accommodations and services that are available, knowledge of individual rights, and the ability to request information, assistance, and accommodations when required. Self-advocacy skills should be taught explicitly and practiced in school settings, such as at IEP meetings or when requesting accommodations.

By |June 27th, 2014|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Explicit Instruction of Self-Advocacy Skills
  • A happy & confident student

A Teacher’s Journey with Student Self-Advocacy

by Julia Osborne, Special Education Resource Teacher, York Region DSB “When you are on the very long journey that is life, always keep in mind your aspirations because they are your destination.” Where the Journey Began My journey with student self-advocacy began on rocky terrain; it was a new concept for me, and one of the [...]

By |February 24th, 2014|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on A Teacher’s Journey with Student Self-Advocacy
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Fostering Self-Advocacy – Tip Sheet

Submitted by: Lynn Ziraldo, Executive Director, LDA York; Dr. Sue Ball, Co-ordinator of Psychological Services, York Region DSB; and Liz Ablett, Consultant, York Region DSB Teach students the four phases of advocacy: stop, think, act, and check it out. Teach the use of clear, direct requests or directives rather than hinting, being indirect, or presuming. [...]

By |February 20th, 2014|Categories: Self-Advocacy|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Fostering Self-Advocacy – Tip Sheet