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For a student with a learning disability (LD), a psychoeducational assessment report can provide invaluable information to help understand the learner and can recommendations of ways to help. However, deciphering a psychoeducational report and translating it into interventions to support the student, can be tricky.

This webinar explains how psychoeducational assessments are administered, what information is contained in the report, and how to implement the recommendations the report provides.

In addition, this webinar demystifies the psychology-specific lingo commonly used in psychoeducational reports.

You will come away from this recording webinar knowing that a psychoeducational assessment report tells you more than if a student has a learning disability; it can also provide insights into how the student learns.

horizontal line tealDr. Todd Cunningham
Photo of Dr. ToddWith his engaging presentation style, weaving together research, compelling stories, and humour, Dr. Todd Cunningham has empowered thousands of educators to support students who learn differently in their classrooms. Dr. Cunningham is a psychologist (Supervised Practice) currently teaching at the University of Toronto and provides academic intervention services. He completed his Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Psychology Department at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Toronto. His innovative research investigates the integration of assistive technology and learning strategies for children with learning difficulties due to a variety of reasons. A sought after public speaker and consultant, Dr. Cunningham has shared his expertise with parents, students, educators, school boards, and other professionals across Canada. In addition to hundreds of workshops, Dr. Cunningham has guest lectured at universities, given keynote addresses, presented at educational and research conferences, and appeared on CBC several times. Dr. Cunningham was recently awarded a Bell “Let’s Talk” mental health grant to provide academic intervention support to northern Ontario communities through telepsychology.